This Weeks Top 5 Links

Devjargon is coming up on our 2 month anniversary and we’re still going strong. We’re still looking for guest posts so you can drop us a line at our contact page.

One new thing we’ve added is the “Ask Us” section. Here you can ask us anything about technology, software development, programming or really anything you want, and we’ll answer them as they come in. We’re really excited about this and we hope we can help you with your questions. Here are our favourite articles this week:

This Weeks Top 5 Links From Around The Web

Nine ways to obfuscate e-mail addresses compared
As a web developer, I also want to give my customers an easy way to contact me via email. The problem is that spammers troll websites looking for emails to spam. This article shows you 10 different ways to obfuscate your email to spoil spammers and help your customers.

10 Tips For A Smaller CSS File
If you’re site is getting a lot of traffic, you’ll want to save file size any where you can. Your CSS file is one spot where you can save a few kB in the hope that it’ll speed up your site. Here are 10 tips to make your CSS file small and hopefully speed up your site.

Open Source
XKCD is awesome. If your a programmer, you need to visit this site. This particular comic is about open source and like always, its hilarious (they reference the creator of linux!)

Coding Without Comments
As with XKCD, if you’re a developer, you need to read Coding Horror. It looks through different aspects of code and how developers screw it up. Here Jeff talking about coding without comments. How your code should be self explanatory. A great read for any developer.

Cheat Sheets for Front-end Web Developers
Here are 23 great cheat sheets for HTML, CSS, Javascript, and other web-based languages. Print these off and hang them around your development station.

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