This Weeks Top 7 Links

This week has been a great week for us here at devjargon as well as around the blogosphere. We’ve had a number of great articles and comments here and have seen a number of great articles emerge around the web. Here’s an outline of some of our great stuff this week.

This Weeks Top 7 Links

Find is a beautiful tool
One of the strongest tools you can have as a developer is the “Find” tool. Its a great way to find and replace certain things in any file in any directory. You can even recursively search through directories to find whatever you need.

Beauty vs. Usability - a Tale of Two Masters
A good look at when beauty hurts usability. Often times we as developers try too hard to get things to look good and forget about user functionality and usability.

5 useful Google search tips you might now know
Every uses google and here a 5 tips that will help you improve your search ability. Some tips include finding the time of a certain city or doing math equations.

Why Project Managers Get No Respect
A great insight into project managers and why so many people don’t respect them. I think this is a great article because I know a number of people who don’t respect their managers (mine is great though).

11 Powerful Firefox 3 Add-ons That Can Replace Standalone Applications
One of the best list of Firefox add-ons I’ve ever seen. I already use most of these and they increase efficiency.

Spartan Programming
A great look of minimalistic programming from a great software blog. Everyone in the development world should read Coding Horror.

Why Black Nerds are Unpopular
Our non-development link. This article highlights some of the racial and social issues that people deal with. A great read.

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