How To Style Your Pages For Print

Last week I talked about an easy way to add a print link into each and every one of your posts using a little bit of javascript. The output of those pages however, looks extremely ugly and today I’m going to show you how to pretty up your print output with CSS.

Now, before we get started I just want to say that I’m not actually going to get into the dirty details of which colours you should pick and what font you should use to style your pages. I’m merely going to say which elements you need to include and which ones you should remove to make your pages look nice.

Creating and Including your Printer CSS file

Before we can begin styling your pages for print, we need to create and include a printer CSS file. To make things as simplistic as possible I always name my files in a straightforward manner. I created a file called print.css and added it to my style directory.

To include this style sheet into your theme or website, you’ll need to add this code somewhere in between

<link rel="stylesheet" href="print.css" type="text/css" media="print" />

Obviously the path to the .css file will change depending on where you’ve put the file so you should change the code to work with your website.

What to Include and What Not to Include

When a person wants to print a specific article what do you think they want to see, the sidebars and menus? In my opinion, when a user wants to print a page, all they want is the content and possibly the comments associated with the post. They don’t want your menus, ads, or sidebars.

This means in your print.css file you’re going to want to include:

  • Logo and Name
  • Content
  • Comments

And your not going to include:

  • Menu
  • Sidebar
  • Ads
  • Comments
  • Excessive use of non-important images (ones that aren’t related to the post)

Now, this part is going to be very specific to your likes and dislikes so I’m just going to go over what I like and you can decide whether to include more things or not.

Styling print.css

First, you’re going to want to include everything that you want printed. For myself, the code would look like this:

#logo { }
#content { }
#comments { }

Once you’ve added these to the .css file you can style them however you like, making them look nice for the printer.

Underneath the things you want to have, you’ll now add the things that you don’t want displayed. Again, for this site here are the things I’ve included:

#nav { display: none; }
#post-footer { display: none; }
#footer { display: none; }
.sidebar { display: none; }

This will make sure that the navigation, footer sidebar and anything else don’t show up. The display: none; works exactly like it sounds; nothing is displayed. If you have ads in the content or anywhere else you could also add to this list. I realize that you could short-form this, but I like to put everything on its own line because it helps me with readability.

Finish Up

Once you’ve got the backbone of your print.css file all thats left is fine tuning things. Tweak the <a> tag or the <img> tag to make it look nice. Just remember that you don’t need to print a page every time you want to see what it looks like. In both Firefox and IE you can select File -> Print Preview and see what the output will look like.

Have fun with this and style your pages.

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  1. 1 08.19.08
    8:50 am

    What I’d like to be able to do would be to print the whole of my Wordpress blog to a single PDF file? Know anything that might do that nicely? I looked at a blog to TeX converter but couldn’t get the Tex to PDF to work.

  2. 2 08.19.08
    9:05 am

    Hey David great question.

    There are many converters that you can use to essentially print to a PDF file. I personally PrimoPDF (the free version). I’m sure there are better versions that I don’t know of but thats what I use.

    Basically you install the software, then when you go to print a page, you select the PrimoPDF from the printer drop-down list. You can then select different options (the software takes a while to load), and save the file.

    Again, there is probably better software out there, just sure google for “print to pdf” and hopefully you’ll find something that suites you.

  3. 3 08.19.08
    10:27 am

    That’s going to be one long job, given that the site I want to PDFify has well over 2000 posts…oh well, I’ll keep looking.


  4. 4 08.20.08
    8:53 am

    I downloaded Primo PDF but I cant install the software, it says: “please uninstall the other version of the Primo PDF” Its impossible because I dont have another version, I just heard about it. I was searching the programme, but it was not found.
    Do xou have idea what should I do? thx, Rita

  5. 5 08.25.08
    6:52 am

    Besides this being a good article your page has several javascript errors. You should fix these.

  6. 6 08.25.08
    9:19 am

    I don’t see any JS errors on this page. Could you please tell us what you’re seeing?


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